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First cubes constructor

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The first constructor consists set of six cubes 4x4 centimeters that are convenient for children's palms. Ideal material for the first stacking blocks or construction. Will serve for a long period of time as an open ended material.


At first show your baby just one block. Let the child lern an unfamiliar object with all sensory analyzers. Most likely - the baby will immediately pull the novelty to his mouth. Don't worry about it, because it is completely safe. Next, offer the child two blocks. Baby will knock them together. Slowly show how to put one block on another to build the tower. Each time we offer more blocks and show how to build and destroy towers. These blocks will be especially relevant for Schemas. The child will be able to group them together, and build fences, and put in a container, transport, use as cargo material. The cubes have many uses to promote creativity and encorage childs` play.

Чудові, гарно відшліфовані кубики. Якщо перевернути підставку, з неї виходить гарний фундамент для високої вежі.
Ніби звичайні кубики, але хочу похвалити вас за якість☺️ Тому що не тільки кубики красиві, а й підставка до них з дерева а не з фанери як у багатьох виробників.
Гладенькі, пахнуть лісом і дуже гарно красуються на дитячій полиці🥰
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Age from 7 months
Material of manufacture beech and ash wood
Size 4x4 - the size of the cube
Coating coconut oil

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Nova Poshta


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