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Musical instrument for children ruble

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A ruble is a wooden board with carved transverse grooves. In the old days, the ruble was made of hardwood with a handle at the end. Earlier and now this interesting item is made of hardwood. Transverse rounded grooves were cut on one side of the board, and the other side was left smooth or handwritten patterns were applied. First of all, the ruble was used in the household, with its help women when washing or ironing knocked out linen with a ribbed side. Simply put, the ruble was a prototype of an ordinary iron. The ruble was also used as a kind of musical instrument, which is still of interest today.


The musical instrument is held in one hand, and the other is guided along the wooden teeth with a stick back and forth. And if you try to beat with a spoon or stick on the smooth side of a musical instrument, you can simulate the knock of heels or blunt hooves. Closing the slit with your finger, you can change the tone of the melody and pitch. The ruble makes loud crackling sounds. Today the ruble is actively used by folk orchestras and folk groups or in children's art by preschool institutions.

Like any other noise instrument, the ruble involves the active work of hands and fingers, thus the kids develop fine motor skills and coordination. Playing a musical instrument helps to develop hearing and a sense of rhythm.

Замовила рубель та кастаньєт для доці, хоча ще не досягли відповідного для їх використання віку, вона в захваті. Знайшла свій спосіб їх використання на даному етапі, надалі будемо вдосконалювати наші навики))). Інструменти чудові і не можу не додати, що аромат кокосової олії просто фантастичний. Щиро дякую за якість і обслуговування.
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Age from 12 months
Material of manufacture ash wood
Size 22 cm
Coating coconut oil

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Nova Poshta


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